Posted in Advent

6th December.

Thank You Lord for The Nativity”.

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

The Nativity is a Beautiful story of how God 'Chose' how His Only Son would be Born on earth.

He Chose the Right Time, Right Place and Right People so that it would be so Special & Memorable that even after 2,000 years, people are Still Celebrating it.

Everyone that was part of the Original Nativity was 'Chosen' to be a True Inspiration to us All. 

As well as the Positives, we can also Learn how 'Not to Be' from the 'bad Examples' of people like King Herod, who in reality was in a Position of Privilege & Authority, and he should have been Setting a Good Example.

We can Learn from him that Power doesn't mean Anything if it's Not from God.

There are also Many, Many Positive Examples of how we 'Should Live' from people like Mary & Joseph, The Shepherds and The Wise Men etc.

We can Learn a Lot from them about how 'Real Faith & Trust' in God will have a Big Impact on the Entire World with 'Everlasting Results'.

God is 'Clearly' Very Capable of working things out in the 'Right Way' at the 'Right Time'.

God Truly does 'Know Best'.

You can be certain that you can Can 'Trust Your Life' to the 'Capable Hands' of the Almighty & Loving God.
~ Positive Bible Verse ~
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
(Psalm 126:3)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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