Posted in Advent

18th December.

~ Wise People Still Seek Him ~

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The Wise Men made the 'Wisest Choice' of their Lives to Seek Jesus, and Not stop until they Found Him.

They travelled over 1,000 miles through Vast Deserts and Mountains. The Journey probably took them over a year, but they remained 'Focused on Jesus' the Entire Journey.

The Shepherds also Searched for Jesus and didn't stop until they Found The Stable with a Babe in a Manger.

They made the 'Wise Choice' to Believe The Angel and to go to Look for Him, that Choice Helped them Stay 'Focused on Jesus'.

These small groups of Shepherds and Wise Men were the first people to 'Seek Jesus', and they would have then Lived the Rest of their Lives Full of God's Peace, Love and Joy, simply of because of making that 'Wise Choice'.

Over 2,000 years later, people are Still making the same 'Wise Choice' to Seek Jesus.

There are now approximately 2.5 Billion Christians around the world, and continuing to Grow.
As you read this there will be people all over the world making that same 'Wise Choice' to 'Follow Jesus' right now. 

The word Christian literally means 'To Follow Christ'.

The 'ian' part of Christian means 'Follower', so 'Christ Follower'.

The first people who were Christians were the 12 Disciples.

They knew that to Follow Christ (Jesus) means to: 
~ Learn His Way to Live Life, 
~ To Seek His Guidance, 
~ Be Willing to Accept Jesus as their Lord,
~ To Do what Jesus Guided them to Do,
~ And Not Do or to Stop Doing the things that Jesus said was wrong.

Jesus was also known as Rabbi which means 'Teacher'. Jesus makes Life Very Simple and Easy to Understand. He teaches us what's Right and what's wrong. There's No confusion with Jesus' Way to Live Life. 

The Only reason people get confused in Life is when the devil 'Tricks' people with his lies and deception into doing something wrong, and makes it 'Seem' as though it's ok.

The more people that Fall for the devils 'Tricks', the more people do wrong things, and then other people see that as being normal.

Yet Jesus keeps it Very Simple, and when You 'Follow Jesus' He Helps You to Understand and see through the 'Trickery' of the devil so that You don't Fall for it.

If You don't Believe the Truth of Jesus,
You will Fall for Anyone's lies.

That's why it's so Important to remain 'Focused' on Jesus' Way to Live Your Life. He Cares Very Deeply about You and He wants You to Live a Happy and Free Life.

The Best way to do that is to Do what The Wise Men and The Shepherds did and make the 'Wisest Choice' of Your Life to 'Seek Jesus'.  

The Good thing is You don't need to travel over 1,000 miles through Deserts & Mountains and You don't need to search for a Babe in a Manger.

You Simply need to be Willing to 'Follow Jesus'.
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you Free".
(John 8:32)

~ ~  ~ 

Let each person turn away from evil and do good;
Let each person Seek peace and pursue it.
(1 Peter 3:11)

~ ~ ~ 

Show me Your Ways, Lord,
Teach me Your paths.
Guide me in Your Truth, 
And Teach me,
(Psalm 25:4-5)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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