Posted in Advent

19th December.

~ Giving Gifts ~

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The Reason we Give Gifts at Christmas is to symbolise the Gifts that The Wise Men 'Gave to Jesus'. 
Gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. 

Before Jesus was Born, there was No such thing as Christmas, because Christmas is the Celebration of the Birth of Jesus.

It was a Long Time after Jesus was Born before people started to Give Gifts to 'Each Other'. 

For Hundreds of years 'the Giving of Gifts' was actually on 'The 12th Night of Christmas' (Epiphany), the day that symbolises when The Wise Men visited Jesus and 'Gave Jesus' the Gifts to Him.

It's only been within the past few hundred years that Gifts have been Given on Christmas Day.

It's a Wonderful thing to Give a Gift to see the Joy on a Loved ones face.
And it's a Lovely thing to receive a Gift from someone who has been thoughtful enough to give it to you.

But the Truth is, we Don't actually Need to give 'Each Other' Gifts, because Christmas is Not about us. 
Christmas is Not about me, you or anybody else.
~ Christmas is about Jesus.

There's nothing actually wrong with Giving Gifts, it's a Nice thing to do, but if you spend More Time, Thought and Effort on Gifts than you do on spending Quality Time with Jesus, then you're Missing Out on Experiencing The True Joy of Christmas.

In the same way, if you 'Expect' Gifts from other people or if you're 'moody and complain' if you don't get the Gifts you wanted, then you'll Miss Out on the Joy of what Christmas is really about ~ Celebrating the Birth of Jesus.

The Best Gift You can ever Give is to 'Give Your Heart to Jesus'.

The Wonderful thing about that 'Gift' is that it's 'Many Gifts in One'. 
~ It will 'Set You Free' to Truly Enjoy Life.
~ It will Transform Your Life in Beautiful Ways and You will be a Blessing to other people (the Best Gift You could Give to anyone).
~ And most Importantly, Jesus will be Blessed with Receiving something that is Very Precious to Him ~ 'You'.

~ Positive Bible Verse ~
Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, with all your Soul, and with all your Mind.
(Matthew 22:37)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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