Posted in Advent

20th December.

~ Joy to the World ~

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The most Joyful event in human history is 'the Birth of Jesus', God's Only Son.

What is Joy?

~ Jesus First.
~ Others next.
~ Yourself last.

When You Live Your Life with that Attitude as the Basis of how You 'Think, Feel, Plan, Speak, Act and Believe', then You will Experience True 'Joy'.

To be able to Feel 'Real Joy', Jesus Needs to be 'First' in Your Heart, Mind and Soul.

God Created humans to have a Deep & Loving 'Connection' with Him.

Jesus is 'Our Connection' to God.

When God placed Adam & Eve in The Garden of Eden, God was actually 'In the Garden With Them'. 
~ They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden'. (Genesis 3:8). 

It's because Adam & Eve Disobeyed God when the devil 'Tricked' them, that humans became separated from God. (see Genesis 3:1-24)

But God has Always wanted to become Re-Connected to us All, so He sent His Only Son to earth to 'Be' the 'Connection To God'.

That's why Christmas is so Special, it's the Day that we can Celebrate being Re-Connected to 'Our Creator'. 
That's something to be Truly Joyful about.

The Angel said to The Shepherds "I bring you Good Tidings of Great Joy".

There's no Greater Joy than to Experience God's Love for You through His Wonderful Son Jesus Christ. 

~ Positive Bible Verse ~
The Lord has done Great things for us, and we are Filled with Joy.
(Psalm 126:3)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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