Posted in Advent

23rd December.

~ We Love You Lord ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Love is a Wonderful Gift from God.

To Love and To be Loved is a Beautiful Experience.

Love is The True Meaning of Life. ~ God is Love, (1 John 4:8).

Many people use the 'word' Love in the wrong way. Worldly/society ways of living just throw the 'word' Love around about anything.

People say 'I love this new gadget', or 'I love these shoes'. But then not long after they get another gadget or shoes because they got bored with the other one, or a 'newer' version came out. That's Not love.
"They are of the world, therefore they speak as of the world" (1 John 4:5).

Many people also think of Love in the wrong way, they think that Love is just a 'feeling'.

But the Truth is, Love is a Doing word, it's an Action.

If You Truly Love someone You will be Willing to 'Do' things to 'Show' them that You Love them.

It also works the other way, if you're Doing something that 'hurts' somebodies feelings, then You can 'Stop Doing' the thing that hurts them so that You can 'Show' them that You Love them.

The Way we show our Love will be different towards different people.

The Love of a Husband or Wife will be different to the way we Show Love to a Good friend or someone we work with. The Love between Husband and Wife is a Deep Spiritual Love because God has Joined the Two Together as One.

There are different types of Love, but All True Love comes from the same source ~ God.

So we can Love in different Ways, but all Love is Important because it comes from God.

1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 tells us a Lot about God's True Meaning of Love. The essence of it is that even when we 'Do' Good things, if we're not doing them with 'God's True Love' then it's worth Nothing.

If You Do a Nice thing for someone but then Complain about having to do it, then that's Not Showing God's Love.
If You Do something 'grudgingly' with the attitude of 'I don't see why I should have to do this', then that's Not Showing God's Love.
If You Do something Nice just to get something Nice back, or if you're always reminding people that you did something nice for them, then that's Not God's Way of Showing Love.

God's Love is 'Pure & Simple'.

God's Love is 'Genuine & Sincere'.

God 'Showed' us His Love for us by sending His Only Son to Save us from our wrong ways of living, ~ that's Love.

Jesus 'Showed' us His Love for us by Willingly taking the punishment for our wrong ways of living, ~ that's Love.

Always remember ~ God & Jesus Loves You.  

Jesus Never Complained.

His Entire Life from His Humble Birth in a Stable to His death on a Cross and the Wonderful Resurrection to Eternal Life, all 'Showed' us His 'True' Love for us.

God & Jesus Showed us How to Love.

We are to Love 'Each Other' with God's Pure Love.

More Importantly, we are to Love God & Jesus 'Above' Anything and Anybody.

Show God & Jesus that You love them by the Way that You 'Live You Life'.

If You need to 'Do' more Loving things to Show them You Love them, then 'Do More'.

If You need to 'Stop Doing' certain wrong things, then 'Stop Doing them'.

Whatever ways that You need to Show God & Jesus that You Love them, Do them with 'Pure & Sincere Love'.

Don't just say You love them, 'Show' them that You Love them.

Maybe say this Prayer:
"Thank You Lord for Showing me that You Love me, 
I'm Truly Grateful for All that You Do. 
I'm Sorry for my wrong doings and mistakes.
I'm Willing to Put them Right and Show You that I Love You.
I'm Willing to Follow You Jesus.
I Love You Lord.
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Love must be sincere.
(Romans 12:9)

~ ~ ~ 

 “Love the Lord your God with all your Heart and with all your Soul and with all your Mind".
(Matthew 22:37)

~ ~ ~ 

And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the Greatest of these is Love.
(1 Corinthians 13:13)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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