Posted in Advent

24th December.

~ O Holy Night ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

~ The Wonderful Nativity,
~ Is All about Love,
~ A Gift from God,
~ In Heaven Above.

As You Prepare for Christmas Day, remember that Christmas is All about Jesus.

Imagine what is was like for Mary & Joseph as they were just reaching Bethlehem.

They had travelled a Long way (about 100 miles through difficult terrain)  and Mary was about to Give Birth to God's Son. 

They must have been exhausted and wondering if there was anywhere for them to stay. But the Excitement about Welcoming Jesus into their Lives would have Filled them with Joy & Energy.

They knew that the Gift that Mary carried inside her was 'The Savior' and they were going to 'Meet Him' for the first time. WOW, what a Blessing.

Because they put their Faith & Trust in God with the Willingness to Believe God and Follow His Guidance, God Blessed them with being the First Ever people to have a 'Close and Personal Relationship with Jesus'.

God Will Always 'Thank You' in Wonderful Ways when You Trust & Believe Him and Follow His Plan.

~As the Sun started to Set,
~And day turned to night,
~ The Stars Twinkled,
~ Sparkling and Bright.

When Mary & Joseph arrived at Bethlehem they found that there was No Room at the Inn.

Imagine what that must have felt like. Mary Needed somewhere to Give Birth and they Both needed a Place Rest.

God 'Provided' for them, and it was the Perfect Place for the Humble Birth of His Son. 
A Place where He would be Surrounded by the Wonderful Nature that He had Created and a Place where The Shepherds would have felt Comfortable & Welcome to go to visit Baby Jesus.

God knows All of our Needs and He will Always Do the 'Right' thing to Provide for us.

God Guides ~ God Provides.

~ The Greatest Moment in History,
~ Was on it's Way,
~ Mary & Joseph Prepared The Manger,
~ And Filled it with Hay.

As You Prepare to Celebrate 'The Birth of Jesus', remember that You don't Need Elaborate & Expensive 'things' to Experience The Joy of Christmas.

Mary & Joseph where in a Humble Stable yet they would have Experienced The 'Most Joyful Day' of their Lives, because Jesus was at 'The Centre' of their Christmas.

If you are Fortunate enough to have lot's of things, then Make Sure that You Appreciate them and don't take them for granted.
If  You can then 'Share with Others'.

No matter what You have got to Celebrate with, from simple Cheese on Toast to a Full Roast Dinner, or from a Home Made Cracker (that you need to say "Crack" when you pull it) to a room full of party things, however You Celebrate, Make Sure You 'Keep Jesus' at the Centre of Your Christmas, and You will be Filled with His Wonderful Joy & Happiness.

~ As you look forward 
~ To eating a Mince Pie,
~ Think about The True Meaning,
~ Of The Brightest Star in the Sky.

Jesus is 'The Light of the world'.

He came to Light the Way, so You can 'See Clearly' in Your Life.

God Guided The Wise Men with 'The Bright Shinning Star'.
Jesus is Now 'Your Guiding Star'.

Simply 'Follow Jesus' and He will Show You 'The Way' in Every Area of Your Life.

The Wise men were Filled with 'Exceedingly Great Joy'.

That same 'Christmas Joy' is Available to You.

~ May Your Christmas Day,
~ Be Full of Peace, Joy & Love,
~ As You Welcome Jesus Into Your Heart,
~ Sent from our Loving God Above.

~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
(John 8:12)

~ ~ ~ 

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
    but we Trust in the name of the Lord our God.
(Psalm 20:7)

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Better a dry crust with Peace and Quiet
    than a house full of feasting, with strife.
(Proverbs 17:1)

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Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me".
(John 14:6)

~ ~ ~ 

The Lord God said, "I will provide a place for my people".
(1 Chronicles 17:9)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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