Posted in 12 Days of Christmas.

On The 7th Day of Christmas.

~ The True 12 Days of Christmas ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

On The 7th Day of Christmas my True Love (Jesus) 'Said' to me:
"Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You".
(John 14:27)

Jesus is 'The Prince of Peace'.   (Isaiah 9:6).

He has a Wonderful Peace within Him that 'Goes Beyond Understanding'. A Peace that is so Amazing that there are No Words that can describe it.

And Jesus is 'Giving' that Peace to You.  WOW, what a Gift. 

Jesus knows that You need Peace in Your Life, so He Gives You the 'Best' kind of Peace, His own Peace.

God Created us with Peace already built into us, yet 'worldly ways' of Living are 'Designed' to take away our Peace.

The world 'deceives' people into Living a 'frantic and rushed' Lifestyle.

Worldly people 'Trick' You into 'worrying', yet Jesus Guides us 'Not to worry'. (Matthew 6:25-34).

Jesus offers to 'Restore' Your Peace by Giving You His Peace.

Simply Follow Jesus's Way of Living, and You 'Will' Experience 'His Peace' in 'Your Life'. 
~ A Positive thing to Enjoy Doing on this Day of Christmas ~

~ Accept Jesus's Gift of Peace.

Jesus is 'Giving' You His Peace, but You need to 'Accept' it to Experience it.

Make a decision 'Today' to Chose Jesus's Peace above Anything else.

Imagine taking All of Your worries, fears, disappointments and anything else that is taking away Your Peace, and put them in a box. Write on the box 'Rubbish'.

Now ask Jesus to 'Take Away' Your 'Rubbish'.

Imagine Jesus holding His hands out to You with a Loving Glow on His face as He says: "Hand it All to Me".

As You Give Your 'Rubbish' to Jesus, You feel His Peace being 'Transferred' to You.

You feel a sense of Peace like never before.

Treasure His Peace in Your Heart. 

You can view the Full 12 Days of Christmas messages on our website by clicking on  (The True 12 Days of Christmas).  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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