Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.64. (Mobile Version).

Enjoy a Great Week.

~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ Enjoy a Great Week ~

Here's how to Enjoy a Great week.

~ Avoid Moaning, and your Mondays will be Marvellous..

~ Resist the devils Temptations, and your Tuesdays will be Tremendous.

~ Stay Away from Wickedness, and your Wednesdays will be Wonderful.

~ Turn Off the TV, and your Thursdays will be Terrific

~ Don't be Frantic, and your Fridays will be Fantastic.

~ Switch off Social Media, and your Saturdays will be Sensational.

~ Spend Quiet, Quality & Specific Time with God, and your Sundays
will be Sanctified and Soulful.

When You put these Together in Your Life,

You Will

Enjoy a Great Week.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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