Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.65. (Mobile Version).

A Full Loaf.

~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ A Full Loaf ~

My Wife and I have been making our own Home Made Bread for many years. We've made it By Hand and we've also been Blessed with a bread machine, which makes it a lot easier to make.

We use Wholemeal flour and 100% Organic Ingredients, (just how God Intended food to be). ~ The Bread tastes Delicious.

We always set the machine on the Largest Loaf size, and we still find it Fascinating how the dough Rises into Double its size.

Last year during the summer we put the ingredients in the machine and turned it on large size as usual.
When we came to take it out, it was only half the size it usually is.

We tried making another loaf on a different setting in case the machine was faulty, but it did the same.

We tested the dried yeast by leaving some in warm water, and it it produced bubbles so we thought it can't be the yeast.

We adjusted the quantities to see if that worked, but still only half a loaf.

We used a different bag of flour, but still the same.

We tried all sorts of things but it just kept coming out as half a loaf.

After Many weeks of eating Dumpy loaves of bread, we tried some New yeast.

We used the Original Recipe and set the machine on Large loaf size.

The dough Rose so much that it Rose above the bread tin and touched the top of the machine.

By using New yeast, the bread not only Rose to a Full size, it Overflowed.

We discovered that the old yeast had got too hot in the cupboard during the summer and it killed some of the yeast.

There was enough Life in the yeast to produce some bubbles in the water, but not enough to make the bread Rise.

~ ~ ~

If you feel Your Life is only Half Full, or if You're merely existing on a Dumpy Lifestyle, or maybe Your Life isn't Rising like you had Hoped, then there is One Vital ingredient that You Need to Renew ~ Your Spirit.

Your Spirit is the Life Source of Your entire being.

There might be just enough Life in Your Spirit to produce some bubbles, but if You want to Enjoy a Full Life then there is only 'One Way'.

Renew Your Spirit with the True Source of Life ~ Jesus Christ.

The Bible verse (John 10:10), Jesus said
“I have come to Give You Life, and Life to the Full”.

Only Jesus can make Your Spirit Rise so much that it Overflows.

Pray this simple yet Powerful Prayer.

“Lord Jesus, Renew my Spirit,
so that I can Live a Full Life with You,


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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