Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.66. (Mobile Version).

Preparing Your Time.

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~ Loving ~

~ Preparing Your Time ~

Time management is not something that I'm good at , I usually end up running late for things.

Something I have learned that helps me with timing is to 'Prepare' my time.

This involves a simple bit of planning ahead.

If you think about a chef making a top class meal in a restaurant.
They prepare in advance the ingredients to go into the meal so that when the customer orders something, the chef has everything ready that they need so they can put it all together in an efficient way.

If the chef waited until the order came in before they started even peeling the veg etc, then it would take a lot longer and would probably be a rushed job to get the meal made, resulting in the end product not being as good as what it could have been.

When you 'Prepare' your time in advance, you usually end up with more time to do whatever it is you are doing and you can be more relaxed.
This helps reduce your stress levels and become more efficient.
And then the end result of whatever you are doing will be a Lot Better.

By just taking a little time to plan ahead you can
improve your lifestyle and also Enjoy your time a lot more.

Prepare Your Time, so You can Enjoy Your Time.


Experience and Discover God's Peace, Love and Joy.

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