Posted in 12 Days of Christmas., Advent

Thank You to You All.

~ May The True Meaning of Christmas Be With You All Throughout The Year ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Thank You to Everyone who Read the Messages for 
'Advent & The True Meaning of Christmas'.

We Sincerely Hope that the Messages were a Blessing to You and that they will Continue to Inspire You Throughout the Year to 'Keep Hold' of The True Meaning of Christmas and 'Never Let It Go'.

~ Jesus came to earth at Christmas.
~ He is In Your Heart Forever. 

All 25 of the 'Advent' Messages 
All 12 of 'The True Meaning of The 12 Days of Christmas' Messages
will be Available on our website all throughout January (and possibly longer) for people to Re-Read them and for people who might not have seen them yet.

Please feel Free to 'Share' the Messages with other people to Help them Enjoy the 'True Freedom and Peace' that Jesus came to Give us All.

Always remember, You can know 'Your True Value & Worth' by The 'Price' that Jesus paid for You.

To Jesus You are Worth 'Everything'.  

May The Love of Jesus 'Be With You' Throughout the Year.
~ Positive Bible Verse to Keep With You All Year  ~

Jesus said:
"So don’t be afraid; you are Worth more than many sparrows".
(Matthew 10:31)

You can view the Full 'Advent & 12 Days of Christmas' messages on our website by (Clicking Here).  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Christmas (All Year Long).

Posted in Advent

25th December ~ Christmas Day.

~ Jesus is the Greatest Gift ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given.

God has Given You 'The Greatest Gift'.

His Son Gift Wrapped in Swaddling Cloth and Lay in a Manger.

There is No Greater Gift than Jesus.

The Birth of Jesus is a 'New Beginning'.

God 'Came To Earth' to 'Be With You'.

Jesus has many names, one of them is Immanuel, which means 'God With Us'.

Jesus is 'God in Person'. The Creator of the Entire Universe Humbled Himself to come to earth as a Human Being. WOW.

Today is the Celebration of The Greatest Moment in History, the 'Birth of Jesus Christ'.

Today is Jesus' Birthday.

~ Happy Birthday Jesus ~

Give Jesus the Greatest Gift You can Give Him.

~ As You Celebrate the Birth of Jesus,
~ You can Do Your Part,
~ Make The Choice 'To Follow Him',
~ And 'Give Him Your Heart'.

Make the 'Wisest Choice' of Your Life Today.

Put Jesus at 'The Centre' of Your Life.

By that One Simple yet Powerful Choice, You will Enjoy the Best Christmas You've ever had, and the Rest of Your Life will be Full of God's Peace, Love and Joy.

Don't ignore the Greatest Gift that God has ever Given You.

Welcome Jesus with Excitement & Joy.

Imagine the Joy that Mary & Joseph felt when Jesus was Born.

You can Experience that Joy when You Allow Jesus to be Born in Your Heart.

~ The Angels sung Praises to God.
~ The Shepherds were Amazed with the Good Tiding of Great Joy.
~ The Wise Men were Filled with Exceedingly Great Joy.
~ The Guiding Star Shone Bright.

Jesus is Joy.
Jesus is The Light of the World.

Christmas is All about Jesus.

Jesus is 'The Greatest Gift'.

~ May Your Heart be Filled with the Peace, Love and Joy of Jesus as You Celebrate His Birth Today, and May The Joy of Christmas be With You Always.

~ Positive Bible Verses ~
For unto us a Child is Born,
Unto us a Son is Given; . . .
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6)

~ ~ ~ 

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
(Matthew 1:23)

~ ~ ~ 

Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that My Joy may remain in you, and that your Joy may be Full".
(John 15:11)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

24th December.

~ O Holy Night ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

~ The Wonderful Nativity,
~ Is All about Love,
~ A Gift from God,
~ In Heaven Above.

As You Prepare for Christmas Day, remember that Christmas is All about Jesus.

Imagine what is was like for Mary & Joseph as they were just reaching Bethlehem.

They had travelled a Long way (about 100 miles through difficult terrain)  and Mary was about to Give Birth to God's Son. 

They must have been exhausted and wondering if there was anywhere for them to stay. But the Excitement about Welcoming Jesus into their Lives would have Filled them with Joy & Energy.

They knew that the Gift that Mary carried inside her was 'The Savior' and they were going to 'Meet Him' for the first time. WOW, what a Blessing.

Because they put their Faith & Trust in God with the Willingness to Believe God and Follow His Guidance, God Blessed them with being the First Ever people to have a 'Close and Personal Relationship with Jesus'.

God Will Always 'Thank You' in Wonderful Ways when You Trust & Believe Him and Follow His Plan.

~As the Sun started to Set,
~And day turned to night,
~ The Stars Twinkled,
~ Sparkling and Bright.

When Mary & Joseph arrived at Bethlehem they found that there was No Room at the Inn.

Imagine what that must have felt like. Mary Needed somewhere to Give Birth and they Both needed a Place Rest.

God 'Provided' for them, and it was the Perfect Place for the Humble Birth of His Son. 
A Place where He would be Surrounded by the Wonderful Nature that He had Created and a Place where The Shepherds would have felt Comfortable & Welcome to go to visit Baby Jesus.

God knows All of our Needs and He will Always Do the 'Right' thing to Provide for us.

God Guides ~ God Provides.

~ The Greatest Moment in History,
~ Was on it's Way,
~ Mary & Joseph Prepared The Manger,
~ And Filled it with Hay.

As You Prepare to Celebrate 'The Birth of Jesus', remember that You don't Need Elaborate & Expensive 'things' to Experience The Joy of Christmas.

Mary & Joseph where in a Humble Stable yet they would have Experienced The 'Most Joyful Day' of their Lives, because Jesus was at 'The Centre' of their Christmas.

If you are Fortunate enough to have lot's of things, then Make Sure that You Appreciate them and don't take them for granted.
If  You can then 'Share with Others'.

No matter what You have got to Celebrate with, from simple Cheese on Toast to a Full Roast Dinner, or from a Home Made Cracker (that you need to say "Crack" when you pull it) to a room full of party things, however You Celebrate, Make Sure You 'Keep Jesus' at the Centre of Your Christmas, and You will be Filled with His Wonderful Joy & Happiness.

~ As you look forward 
~ To eating a Mince Pie,
~ Think about The True Meaning,
~ Of The Brightest Star in the Sky.

Jesus is 'The Light of the world'.

He came to Light the Way, so You can 'See Clearly' in Your Life.

God Guided The Wise Men with 'The Bright Shinning Star'.
Jesus is Now 'Your Guiding Star'.

Simply 'Follow Jesus' and He will Show You 'The Way' in Every Area of Your Life.

The Wise men were Filled with 'Exceedingly Great Joy'.

That same 'Christmas Joy' is Available to You.

~ May Your Christmas Day,
~ Be Full of Peace, Joy & Love,
~ As You Welcome Jesus Into Your Heart,
~ Sent from our Loving God Above.

~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
(John 8:12)

~ ~ ~ 

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
    but we Trust in the name of the Lord our God.
(Psalm 20:7)

~ ~ ~ 

Better a dry crust with Peace and Quiet
    than a house full of feasting, with strife.
(Proverbs 17:1)

~ ~ ~ 

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me".
(John 14:6)

~ ~ ~ 

The Lord God said, "I will provide a place for my people".
(1 Chronicles 17:9)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

23rd December.

~ We Love You Lord ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Love is a Wonderful Gift from God.

To Love and To be Loved is a Beautiful Experience.

Love is The True Meaning of Life. ~ God is Love, (1 John 4:8).

Many people use the 'word' Love in the wrong way. Worldly/society ways of living just throw the 'word' Love around about anything.

People say 'I love this new gadget', or 'I love these shoes'. But then not long after they get another gadget or shoes because they got bored with the other one, or a 'newer' version came out. That's Not love.
"They are of the world, therefore they speak as of the world" (1 John 4:5).

Many people also think of Love in the wrong way, they think that Love is just a 'feeling'.

But the Truth is, Love is a Doing word, it's an Action.

If You Truly Love someone You will be Willing to 'Do' things to 'Show' them that You Love them.

It also works the other way, if you're Doing something that 'hurts' somebodies feelings, then You can 'Stop Doing' the thing that hurts them so that You can 'Show' them that You Love them.

The Way we show our Love will be different towards different people.

The Love of a Husband or Wife will be different to the way we Show Love to a Good friend or someone we work with. The Love between Husband and Wife is a Deep Spiritual Love because God has Joined the Two Together as One.

There are different types of Love, but All True Love comes from the same source ~ God.

So we can Love in different Ways, but all Love is Important because it comes from God.

1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 tells us a Lot about God's True Meaning of Love. The essence of it is that even when we 'Do' Good things, if we're not doing them with 'God's True Love' then it's worth Nothing.

If You Do a Nice thing for someone but then Complain about having to do it, then that's Not Showing God's Love.
If You Do something 'grudgingly' with the attitude of 'I don't see why I should have to do this', then that's Not Showing God's Love.
If You Do something Nice just to get something Nice back, or if you're always reminding people that you did something nice for them, then that's Not God's Way of Showing Love.

God's Love is 'Pure & Simple'.

God's Love is 'Genuine & Sincere'.

God 'Showed' us His Love for us by sending His Only Son to Save us from our wrong ways of living, ~ that's Love.

Jesus 'Showed' us His Love for us by Willingly taking the punishment for our wrong ways of living, ~ that's Love.

Always remember ~ God & Jesus Loves You.  

Jesus Never Complained.

His Entire Life from His Humble Birth in a Stable to His death on a Cross and the Wonderful Resurrection to Eternal Life, all 'Showed' us His 'True' Love for us.

God & Jesus Showed us How to Love.

We are to Love 'Each Other' with God's Pure Love.

More Importantly, we are to Love God & Jesus 'Above' Anything and Anybody.

Show God & Jesus that You love them by the Way that You 'Live You Life'.

If You need to 'Do' more Loving things to Show them You Love them, then 'Do More'.

If You need to 'Stop Doing' certain wrong things, then 'Stop Doing them'.

Whatever ways that You need to Show God & Jesus that You Love them, Do them with 'Pure & Sincere Love'.

Don't just say You love them, 'Show' them that You Love them.

Maybe say this Prayer:
"Thank You Lord for Showing me that You Love me, 
I'm Truly Grateful for All that You Do. 
I'm Sorry for my wrong doings and mistakes.
I'm Willing to Put them Right and Show You that I Love You.
I'm Willing to Follow You Jesus.
I Love You Lord.
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Love must be sincere.
(Romans 12:9)

~ ~ ~ 

 “Love the Lord your God with all your Heart and with all your Soul and with all your Mind".
(Matthew 22:37)

~ ~ ~ 

And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the Greatest of these is Love.
(1 Corinthians 13:13)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

22nd December.

~ The Peace of Baby Jesus ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Jesus is The 'Prince of Peace'.

From the moment He was Born into the world, 'He' Restored God's Peace towards people. 

The Angels sung about it. When The Angel visited The Shepherds and gave them the Good Tidings of Great Joy that 'The Savior' has been Born, there was a Multitude of Angels singing "Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth 'Peace' toward people".

The Peace that had been Lost because of the 'wrong way' that people had been living, was Restored by Jesus.

He is the 'Connection' between people and God. He Restores our Souls.

The Peace that Jesus Gives us is Not the same as the way that the world/society think about Peace.

Worldly Peace is based on Circumstances and Situations. People think that if everything is going well then you feel Peace. 

But the Peace that Jesus Gives us goes 'Beyond All Understanding'. It's a Peace that is Deep in Your Heart, Mind and Soul. A Peace that no matter what the situation is, You can still Experience the Wonderful Peace of Jesus.

Your Mind can still be at Rest, even in difficult times.
Your Heart can still be Full of Joy, even when bad things happen.
Your Soul can still Be Free, even when people try to oppress You.

That kind of Peace goes Beyond Understanding. Words can't explain how it's possible. But when we Give Our Heart to Jesus, All things Are Possible With Him.

He can Do 'Exceedingly Above all that we think or ask'.

Jesus 'Can & Will' Give You Peace that is like Nothing You have ever Experienced before.

The Peace that Jesus Gives is Everlasting. No one can take it away from You.

There's Wonderful Power in Jesus' Peace.

The way to Experience this Amazing Peace is to 'Welcome Jesus' into Your Heart, Mind and Soul. Put Jesus at the Centre of Your Life, and Your Life will be at Peace.

When God Originally Created You, he put Peace in Your Soul. It was there from the Beginning. It's only because we 'stray away' from God's Way of Living that we lose that Peace.

Jesus Will Restore Your Peace.

Simply Stay 'Focused on Jesus' and He will keep You in Perfect Peace.
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.
(John 14:27)

 ~ ~ ~ 

You will keep him in Perfect Peace,
Whose mind is Stayed on You.
(Isaiah 26:3) 

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

21st December.

~ The Faith, Trust and Belief of Mary & Joseph ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

To be Chosen by God to Give Birth to 'His Only Son', and then to 'Look After Him' and 'Raise Him' is the greatest Honor and Privilege that anyone could be given.

Mary & Joseph were Engaged to be Married and would have been Excited about their Wedding. 

They would have been Living their Lives in the Best way they could ~ God's Way.

God had Guided people Not to be Intimate and to remain a virgin until After they were Married. 
At that time the rulers made it that if a women broke God's Guidance, she would be Stoned to death as punishment.

Mary & Joseph would have known the Importance of sticking to God's Guidance and they remained virgins until after they were married.

They Lived at a time when The Roman Empire made it Very Difficult for people to Live a Happy Life and many people were living in fear.

Most people back then knew 'Scripture' and God had said that He will send 'The Messiah' to Set Them Free.

Even in Difficult situations there's Always Hope, and You can Be Positive knowing that God Will Help You.

Many people though Chose to ignore God's Word and they wanted to be 'In Control', but they actually made the situation worse by Interfering.

God had a 'Plan Ready' to send His Son to 'Set People Free', but He needed to Find the Right People who would 'Trust Him' and 'Believe' in 'His Plan'.

Mary & Joseph had obviously Demonstrated to God by the Way they had already been 'Living their Lives' that they would 'Trust Him' with His Plan, even though it would have 'Seemed' impossible that Mary could be pregnant as she was a virgin. 
But they 'Believed' that 'With God, Nothing will be impossible' (Luke 1:37).

They must have Shown God that He could 'Trust Them' with His Son,
because as well as being an Honor & Privilege to Raise God's Son, it's also a Big Responsibility.

When God has a 'Plan' He needs to know that the people He 'Trusts' it with will 'Take Good Care of It' and 'Do the Best they can to Fulfill It'.

Even though Mary & Joseph didn't Understand how God's Plan could happen, they 'Welcomed It' with Faith, Trust & Belief in the 'Amazing Abilities of God'.

God is Limitless in what He can Achieve.

He made the Stars & the Universe, the Flowers & the Trees, the Birds & the Wildlife, the Butterflies & Bees.

If God says He will Do something, we can be 'Sure' that He Will Do it.

~ Never Doubt God, Simply Believe.

When The Angel told Mary that she would conceive from the Holy Spirit and Give Birth to God's Son, her response was "Let it be done to me according to Your word". ~ WOW, that's Faith. 

Every time The Angel spoke to Joseph, he Immediately Did what The Angel said, even when it meant getting up in the Night to pack all their belongings and Leave their home to escape to Egypt because King Herod was trying to kill Jesus after He had been Born (see Matthew 2:13-14). ~ WOW, that's Trust.

Whatever God Guided Mary & Joseph to 'Do', they both 'Did It' with Faith, Trust & Belief that God's Way is Best.

Because of that, God's Plan was Fulfilled. His Son came to earth and was Born as a Human being ~ God in Person, 'God With us'.

We can all now Enjoy a 'Personal Relationship' with God through His Son Jesus Christ. That's a Wonderful Blessing for us All.

When people 'Do' the 'Will of God', it will always Bless other people as well as themselves.

Mary & Joseph would have Lived the Best possible Life because they Believed God's Way and 'Did His Will'.

We All have a Lot to be 'Thankful' for to Mary & Joseph.

~ Their Faith has Helped 'Save' people all around the world.
~ Their Trust has Helped 'Set People Free'.
~ Their Belief has Given us a Wonderful example of what can be Achieved when God & people are in Complete Harmony. 

God still has many 'Plans & Dreams' that He is Waiting to Achieve.
He Simply needs to Find the Right people who are 'Willing' to put their 'Faith, Trust & Belief' in Him.

~ Are You 'Willing' ?

~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Jesus answered and said to them, “Have Faith in God".
(Mark 11:22)

~ ~ ~ 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.
(Proverbs 3:5)

~ ~ ~ 

And without Faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must Believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
(Hebrew 11:6)

~ ~ ~ 

Blessed is she who Believed, for there will be a Fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
(Luke 1:45)

~ ~ ~ 

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
(Ephesians 3:20)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

20th December.

~ Joy to the World ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

The most Joyful event in human history is 'the Birth of Jesus', God's Only Son.

What is Joy?

~ Jesus First.
~ Others next.
~ Yourself last.

When You Live Your Life with that Attitude as the Basis of how You 'Think, Feel, Plan, Speak, Act and Believe', then You will Experience True 'Joy'.

To be able to Feel 'Real Joy', Jesus Needs to be 'First' in Your Heart, Mind and Soul.

God Created humans to have a Deep & Loving 'Connection' with Him.

Jesus is 'Our Connection' to God.

When God placed Adam & Eve in The Garden of Eden, God was actually 'In the Garden With Them'. 
~ They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden'. (Genesis 3:8). 

It's because Adam & Eve Disobeyed God when the devil 'Tricked' them, that humans became separated from God. (see Genesis 3:1-24)

But God has Always wanted to become Re-Connected to us All, so He sent His Only Son to earth to 'Be' the 'Connection To God'.

That's why Christmas is so Special, it's the Day that we can Celebrate being Re-Connected to 'Our Creator'. 
That's something to be Truly Joyful about.

The Angel said to The Shepherds "I bring you Good Tidings of Great Joy".

There's no Greater Joy than to Experience God's Love for You through His Wonderful Son Jesus Christ. 

~ Positive Bible Verse ~
The Lord has done Great things for us, and we are Filled with Joy.
(Psalm 126:3)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

19th December.

~ Giving Gifts ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

The Reason we Give Gifts at Christmas is to symbolise the Gifts that The Wise Men 'Gave to Jesus'. 
Gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. 

Before Jesus was Born, there was No such thing as Christmas, because Christmas is the Celebration of the Birth of Jesus.

It was a Long Time after Jesus was Born before people started to Give Gifts to 'Each Other'. 

For Hundreds of years 'the Giving of Gifts' was actually on 'The 12th Night of Christmas' (Epiphany), the day that symbolises when The Wise Men visited Jesus and 'Gave Jesus' the Gifts to Him.

It's only been within the past few hundred years that Gifts have been Given on Christmas Day.

It's a Wonderful thing to Give a Gift to see the Joy on a Loved ones face.
And it's a Lovely thing to receive a Gift from someone who has been thoughtful enough to give it to you.

But the Truth is, we Don't actually Need to give 'Each Other' Gifts, because Christmas is Not about us. 
Christmas is Not about me, you or anybody else.
~ Christmas is about Jesus.

There's nothing actually wrong with Giving Gifts, it's a Nice thing to do, but if you spend More Time, Thought and Effort on Gifts than you do on spending Quality Time with Jesus, then you're Missing Out on Experiencing The True Joy of Christmas.

In the same way, if you 'Expect' Gifts from other people or if you're 'moody and complain' if you don't get the Gifts you wanted, then you'll Miss Out on the Joy of what Christmas is really about ~ Celebrating the Birth of Jesus.

The Best Gift You can ever Give is to 'Give Your Heart to Jesus'.

The Wonderful thing about that 'Gift' is that it's 'Many Gifts in One'. 
~ It will 'Set You Free' to Truly Enjoy Life.
~ It will Transform Your Life in Beautiful Ways and You will be a Blessing to other people (the Best Gift You could Give to anyone).
~ And most Importantly, Jesus will be Blessed with Receiving something that is Very Precious to Him ~ 'You'.

~ Positive Bible Verse ~
Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, with all your Soul, and with all your Mind.
(Matthew 22:37)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

18th December.

~ Wise People Still Seek Him ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

The Wise Men made the 'Wisest Choice' of their Lives to Seek Jesus, and Not stop until they Found Him.

They travelled over 1,000 miles through Vast Deserts and Mountains. The Journey probably took them over a year, but they remained 'Focused on Jesus' the Entire Journey.

The Shepherds also Searched for Jesus and didn't stop until they Found The Stable with a Babe in a Manger.

They made the 'Wise Choice' to Believe The Angel and to go to Look for Him, that Choice Helped them Stay 'Focused on Jesus'.

These small groups of Shepherds and Wise Men were the first people to 'Seek Jesus', and they would have then Lived the Rest of their Lives Full of God's Peace, Love and Joy, simply of because of making that 'Wise Choice'.

Over 2,000 years later, people are Still making the same 'Wise Choice' to Seek Jesus.

There are now approximately 2.5 Billion Christians around the world, and continuing to Grow.
As you read this there will be people all over the world making that same 'Wise Choice' to 'Follow Jesus' right now. 

The word Christian literally means 'To Follow Christ'.

The 'ian' part of Christian means 'Follower', so 'Christ Follower'.

The first people who were Christians were the 12 Disciples.

They knew that to Follow Christ (Jesus) means to: 
~ Learn His Way to Live Life, 
~ To Seek His Guidance, 
~ Be Willing to Accept Jesus as their Lord,
~ To Do what Jesus Guided them to Do,
~ And Not Do or to Stop Doing the things that Jesus said was wrong.

Jesus was also known as Rabbi which means 'Teacher'. Jesus makes Life Very Simple and Easy to Understand. He teaches us what's Right and what's wrong. There's No confusion with Jesus' Way to Live Life. 

The Only reason people get confused in Life is when the devil 'Tricks' people with his lies and deception into doing something wrong, and makes it 'Seem' as though it's ok.

The more people that Fall for the devils 'Tricks', the more people do wrong things, and then other people see that as being normal.

Yet Jesus keeps it Very Simple, and when You 'Follow Jesus' He Helps You to Understand and see through the 'Trickery' of the devil so that You don't Fall for it.

If You don't Believe the Truth of Jesus,
You will Fall for Anyone's lies.

That's why it's so Important to remain 'Focused' on Jesus' Way to Live Your Life. He Cares Very Deeply about You and He wants You to Live a Happy and Free Life.

The Best way to do that is to Do what The Wise Men and The Shepherds did and make the 'Wisest Choice' of Your Life to 'Seek Jesus'.  

The Good thing is You don't need to travel over 1,000 miles through Deserts & Mountains and You don't need to search for a Babe in a Manger.

You Simply need to be Willing to 'Follow Jesus'.
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you Free".
(John 8:32)

~ ~  ~ 

Let each person turn away from evil and do good;
Let each person Seek peace and pursue it.
(1 Peter 3:11)

~ ~ ~ 

Show me Your Ways, Lord,
Teach me Your paths.
Guide me in Your Truth, 
And Teach me,
(Psalm 25:4-5)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

17th December.

~ Rest with God ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Jesus Achieved more Wonderful & Helpful things in the 33 years of His Life than any other human being.

How did He do it?

By spending Quality Quiet Time 'Resting with God'.

Jesus performed Many Miracles, Healed Hundreds of people, Fed Thousands of people, Taught Thousands of people the Right Way to Live and Set Millions Free.

He travelled around meeting new people, there were thousands of people that wanted His Time and Attention, and He Always made Himself Available to Show His Love & Care.

He did a Lot of things, but He also spent a Lot of Time 'Resting with God'.

He would often spend a Lot of Time by Himself Praying with God and Resting His Mind, Body and Soul. He would go to a Quiet Place, maybe in the Trees, on a Mountain or in a Garden where it was Peaceful & Quiet and he would 'Rest with God'.

That is what Gave Him the Energy and Inspiration to do the Wonderful things He did.

If Jesus, God's Son needed to Rest, then Surely we All Need to Rest.

Jesus Achieved More by Resting & spending Quality Time with God.

~ A Relaxed Mind is a Creative Mind.
~ ~ ~ 

Christmas Trees are at their Best at Christmas Time. Yet Trees are Resting in Winter. 
Pines, Spruces and Fir Trees Slow Down & Rest over the Winter months, they Preserve & Build Up their Energy so that when Spring Time comes, they're Ready to Burst into New Life.

That's similar to what Jesus was doing each time He 'Rested with God'. He was being Filled with the Wonderful Power from God so He was Ready to Do Mighty & Wonderful things.

~ You'll be at Your Best when You're at Rest.

Jesus Showed us that even when there's Lots to Do, we still Need to Rest our Minds, Bodies and Souls and spend Quality Time with God.

Mary & Joseph would also have needed to Rest on their Journey to Bethlehem. Even though the Journey was Long and they probably needed to get their quickly, it was the Resting with God that would have given them the Energy & Encouragement to Reach their Goal.

No matter how busy you are and how many things you need to Do, I Encourage You to Rest Your Mind, Body and Soul. It's not only your Body that needs a Rest, it's Very Important to also Rest Your Mind from the Planning and Frantic Activities that will often make you feel tired and drain your energy.
Simply spend Quality Time with God in Peace & Quiet.

He will Give You New Idea's, Fresh Insights and Amazing Energy to Achieve More than You ever thought possible.

When You Make Time for God, He Will Give You the Power to Achieve More.

With God All things Are Possible. 
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
For anyone who enters God’s Rest also Rests from their works, just as God did from His.
(Hebrews 4:10)

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Jesus said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a Quiet place and get some Rest.”
(Mark 6:31)

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Those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
(Isaiah 40:31)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.