Posted in Advent

16th December.

~ Adapt & Adjust to God’s Way ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

When Mary & Joseph first got Engaged to be Married, they probably would of had idea's and plans about how to Live their Lives Together.
They might have thought about where they would Live, what they would do in their Life and how they would spend their time.

Then Suddenly The Angel of The Lord appeared to them and revealed God's Plan for their Lives.

They could have Chosen to ignore God's Plan, but instead they made the 'Wisest Choice' of their Lives, to 'Welcome Jesus Into Their Lives'.

From that One Decision, their Lives were Transformed into a Better and more Wonderful Way of Living than they could ever have thought of themselves.

Even though the Plans they had already made might have been Very Good plans, God's Way is Always Better.

Jesus came to Give Life 'More Abundantly'. (John 10:10).  

Later in Jesus' Life He met many people who had 'Made Their Own Plans' about how to Live their Lives.

Matthew the Tax Collector had made plans to Earn Lots of money by stealing from people on their tax payments.

Simon Peter had made plans to Live his Life at sea Fishing.

Mary Magdalene made plans to Live as a prostitute to make money.

Many of Jesus' Disciples had previously made plans to Live an average Life, maybe get Married and find a good job.

Some of these plans were ok, but some were obviously bad.

When they met Jesus He Gave them all a New Plan and God's Way to Live Life that was More Exciting and Enjoyable than any of their own plans. They All made the 'Wisest Choice' of their Lives to Adapt to God's Plan and to 'Follow Jesus'.

~ ~ ~ 

As you 'Make Your Plans' for how to spend Christmas time, I Encourage You to be 'Open Minded' to when 'God' Gives You a 'Better Plan'.

Many people lose sight of The Real Meaning of Christmas and they Miss Out on Something Very Special.

Christmas is about Celebrating the Birth of God's Only Son.

We Celebrate this on 25th December, yet 'worldly/society ways' have become Impatient and they have Christmas parties in November and early December, shops start selling Christmas things in Summer time, and people eat their mince pies and Christmas Treats throughout December.

By the time it comes to Christmas Day many people are either too stressed from Frantic planning and shopping or they get bored with Christmas because they started too early and didn't actually Celebrate Jesus' Birth.

So they Miss Out on the 'Wonderful Gift' of being able to take part in Celebrating 'With God' for His Son's Birthday, and they Miss the True Joy and Happiness that it Gives.

If You chose 'worldly/society ways' to Celebrate Christmas then it's likely that your Life as a whole will also be stressed, bored and Missing Out on Something Special.

Jesus is Christmas ~ Jesus is Life.

Mary & Joseph and the Disciples of Jesus All made One Choice to Adapt & Adjust to God's Way and it made their Lives Better and more Enjoyable.

When You make the 'Wisest Choice' of Your Life to 'Welcome Jesus', then Your Life will be Transformed into a Better and more Wonderful Way than You could ever imagine.      
~ Positive Bible Verse ~
All the people, even the tax collectors, when they heard Jesus’ words, acknowledged that God’s Way was right.
(Luke 7:29)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

15th December.

~ Simply Believe ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Before Jesus was Born, many people had Studied Scripture for a Long Time.

At that time peoples Lives where Focused on 'The Word of God'.

For over 700 years people would have known that The Messiah (God's Son and The Savior of the people) would come through the Lineage (blood 'Line') of King David (as it was wrote in Scripture).

At that time of Jesus' Birth, it's Likely that many people would have known that Mary & Joseph were part of that 'Line'.

For many years people would have been Closely Following that 'Line' and Expecting that The Messiah could come at Any Time. They were Eagerly Waiting for their 'Savior'.

The people such as the Pharisees, Scribes and Chief Priests would have known the Scripture inside out and Studied Every Detail.

They knew that The Christ would be Born in Bethlehem. They even told King Herod when he asked them where The Christ would be Born, and they said to him "In Bethlehem, for it is written by the prophet". 
(Luke 23-6).
So they knew many Details about the Savior who they were Waiting for.

After Jesus was Born, The Shepherds made it Well Known to many people about the Amazing Blessing they had Experienced when The Angel told them The Savior had been Born, and that they had Visited Him in the Stable (in Bethlehem).

Later The Wise Men came and asked "where is He who has Been Born 'King of the Jews'."
Many people would have known who they meant by that ~ The Savior, Christ, The Messiah.

All this Information would have Spread through people to the Pharisees and Chief Priests etc.

So they would have had All the Details they needed about The Savior who they were Waiting for.

They knew what 'Line' of people He would come from. They knew where He would be Born.
Then they would have known that He 'Had Been Born' by the messages of The Shepherds and The Wise Men.

Yet even with All that Knowledge & Information, they 'Didn't Believe'.

30 years later when Jesus performed His Miracles, they still 'Didn't Believe'. They Doubted that Jesus was the Son of God and their Savior. They Didn't Believe the things Jesus told them.

The Pharisees even said "Isn't this Joseph the Carpenters Son". So they knew he was part of the 'Line' of David.
The Blindingly Obvious was 'Right In Front of Them', yet they still 'Didn't Believe'. 

The Pharisees said that they Believed in God and God's Way to Live, but when Jesus arrived, they Pushed Him away and Showed that they Didn't Actually Believe.

Why didn't they Believe?

Maybe it was because of stubbornness or arrogance. 
Maybe they Listened to people instead of God.
It might have been that they wanted to be in Control and not Accept Jesus as their Lord.

Whatever their reasons were, it Prevented them from Experiencing True Freedom & Joy, and they Missed Out on the Wonderful Blessing of having True Peace in their Heart.

The Shepherds and The Wise Men 'Simply Believed God', and they Experienced Exceedingly Great Joy.

If You want Peace, Love and Joy in Your Life, ask Yourself the question:
~ Do You Believe what people say about how You should Live Your Life?
~ Do You Believe God & Jesus? even if it's different to what you might think yourself. Do You Believe God & Jesus Above Everything?

God Reveals new things to us to help us Enjoy Life.

Jesus is 'The Way, The Truth and The Life'.

'Simply Believe'. 

~ Positive Bible Verses ~
The Lord said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?
(Numbers 14:11)

~ ~ ~ 

Jesus said to him, “Don’t be afraid; only Believe.”
(Mark 5:36)

~ ~ ~ 

To those who Believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
(John 1:12)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

14th December.

~ The Gift of Grace ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Grace is the 'Unmerited and Undeserved Favor & Love of God'.

Jesus came to earth and died on The Cross to 'Save' us All from our wrong Ways of Living.

He Sacrificed His own Life and Freedom 'In Place of Us' so that we can Enjoy True Life and Freedom.

The Truth is Non of us Deserve that kind of 'Love'. Yet God Loves us with a Limitless type of Love that is Beyond our Understanding. That's Grace.

Surely the Best thing that 'We Can All Do' is to 'Show' God & Jesus that we are Truly Grateful.
We can Do that by making the 'Right Choices' in our Lives to Live the 'Right Way' ~ God's Way.

Non of us Deserve the Wonderful Love that Jesus 'Showed Us'. But Jesus 'Does' Deserve the Love that we can 'Show Him'.

Show Jesus that you're Grateful to Him and that you Love Him by the Choices that You Make in Your Everyday Life.

God 'Gave' us the Amazing 'Gift of Grace'. Don't waste that Gift. Accept it by Accepting Jesus as 'Your Savior' and Welcome Him with a Loving Heart.
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on Him (Jesus)
    the sins of us all.
(Isaiah 53:6)

~ ~ ~ 

"We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.”
(Acts 15:11)

~ ~ ~ 

Even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through Jesus Christ.
(Romans 5:15)

~ ~ ~ 

    He gives us grace and glory.
The Lord will withhold no good thing
    from those who do what is right.
(Psalm 84:11)

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

13th December.

~ The Humbleness of The Stable ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

The Son of God, The Creator of The Universe, was Born in a Stable. That's Humbleness.

Jesus had the Power, Authority and Ability to be able to be Born 'Anywhere'.

He could have Chose the most Luxury Palace in the world, yet He Chose a Humble Stable.

Jesus set a Positive Example of how we should Live our Lives, even at His Birth.

Jesus came to earth to Save us from our wrong ways of living.

To be able to Help us All, He needed to be Available to Everyone.
From the poorest and most overlooked people to the most privileged and the people in the highest positions, Jesus is for Everyone.

If He was Born in a Palace then The Shepherds might not have Felt Welcome to Go to Visit Him when The Angel gave them the Good Tidings of Great Joy, that 'The Savior' has been Born.

To be Born in a Humble Stable meant that Anybody could Feel Comfortable to 'Meet Jesus'.

One of the Beautiful things about Jesus being Born in The Stable meant that even the Animals where Welcome.
The Sheep, Lambs, Cows, Goats and The Donkey would All have been able to Experience the Wonderful Birth of God's Son.

The Stable is a Beautiful Example of God's Love & Care for 'All of His Creation'.

No matter Who You Are, rich or poor, privileged or overlooked, Jesus is Available for You, and He Loves You.

Jesus Humbled Himself to 'Be With You'.

That's Real Love. 
~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
(James 4:10)

~ ~ ~ 

Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right".
(Acts 10:34-35)

~ ~ ~ 

Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to Humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words."
(Daniel 10:12)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

12th December.

~ The Guidance of The Star ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

God said, "Let there be Light", and there was Light.
   (Genesis  1:3)

God made the Stars. He set them in the heavens to divide the 'Light' from darkness. (Genesis 14-19).

The Star at The Nativity was a Very Special Star, it was for the Birth of  God's Only Son, 'The Light of The World'.

There have been many theories about what the Star was.
Some people say it was a commit, some think it was three separate Stars that all lined up and appeared as one Star, and many other theories. 

My Wife & I often talk about it with a sense of Awe & Wonder.

Then when I was reading the Bible during Christmas 2021, I read Matthew 2:1+2 with a New Understanding.

The Wise Men were asking where Jesus had been Born, and they said "we have seen 'His Star' ".

I suddenly realised that as God had made All the Stars in Creation, then He could make a New Special Star for the Birth of His Son.

It makes a Lot of sense that for such as Special event, God would Create a Unique Star.
It might have been Created for that One Special Moment, the Birth of Jesus.

The Star 'Guided' The Wise Men to Jesus.

The Wise Men knew how Important the Birth of Christ was, and they Understood & Believed the Mighty & Limitless 'Power & Creativity' of God.

They Believed in God's Loving Guidance, and they Received the Wonderful Blessing of Meeting Jesus.   

God 'Guides' us in many Ways in All areas of our Lives. 
You Simply need to Believe in God's Amazing Creativity and You will Discover Your Guiding Star.

God has Placed a 'Star in Your Heart' to Lead You & Guide You in Your Life. 

~ Follow The Star in Your Heart.

Jesus is 'The Light of the world'. He is Your Guiding Star.

~ Positive Bible Verse ~
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever Follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
(John 8:12)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

11th December.

~ The Good Tidings of The Angel ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Throughout The Nativity, The Angel of The Lord spoke to different people and Blessed them All with 'Good Tidings'.

The Good Tidings were in different forms depending on who it was for and what it was about. 

The Angel gave Good Tidings of:
~ Answers to Prayers.
~ Truth & Understanding.
~ Warnings of danger and the way to avoid it.
~ Wonderful Blessings that words can't describe.
~ And of course Great Joy.

The first person The Angel visited in The Nativity was Zacharias, and Gave him the Good News that his Prayer was Answered and that Elizabeth (his Wife) will become pregnant with a Son (named John) who would make people Ready & Prepared for The Lord.

Months later the Angel visited Mary and gave her a Wonderful Blessing that words can't describe, that God had Favor on her and that she would conceive in her womb the Indescribable Wonderful Miracle of God and Give Birth to God's Only Son.

When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant (yet they had Not been Intimate), he was Struggling to Understand it. Then The Angel put his mind at Ease and Blessed him with the Good Tidings of Truth & Understanding by Confirming to him that Mary is pregnant with God's Son and that he Doesn't need to be afraid.

 When Jesus was Born The Angel appeared to The Shepherds and said "I bring you Good Tidings of Great Joy which will be to All people". 
The Angel Blessed them with The Good News that the Son of God, 'The Savior' has been Born.
To Celebrate the most Wonderful event in History, a Multitude of Angels appeared saying "Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth Peace to those on whom his favor rests".

Jesus is 'The Reason' to Celebrate Christmas.

The Angels in Heaven Celebrated with The Shepherds on earth. WOW, what a Blessing.

Later on after The Wise Men had visited Jesus, they were Divinely Warned Not to return to Herod, and they were able to Safely depart back to the Country they had come from. 

After that, The Angel Warned Joseph to Quickly take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt to Escape the cruelty of Herod killing All children under 2 years old. They were Blessed with Safely Escaping unharmed.

Later on when Herod had died, The Angel appeared to Joseph to Give him the Good News that they could all Safely return to Israel, and they were able to go back to Nazareth where Jesus Grew and became Strong in The Spirit, Filled with Wisdom and the Grace of God. 

'Good Tidings' come in many forms. All of them are to Lead & Guide people in God's Wonderful & Amazing Plan for our Lives and for the Good of All of God's Creation.

God Communicates to us Everyday in many different Ways, and He Loves to Bless us with 'Good Tidings'.

The people in The Nativity who The Angel Gave 'Good Tidings' to, All Believed with an Open Mind and a Trusting Heart, and they Received their Blessings.

Simply Open Your Heart, Mind and Soul to Jesus, and You will be Given 'Good Tidings' and Receive Your Blessings. 
~ Positive Bible Verse ~
Jesus stood up and read from Scripture (Isaiah 61:1+2)

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news ('Good Tidings') to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

(Luke 4:18+19)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

10th December.

~ The Strength of The Donkey ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Donkeys are Lovely. They've got a Wonderful Relaxing 'Aura' about them.

Donkeys have got a 'Cross' on their backs as part of their Natural Colours. My Wife & I Believe this is because of the Importance of Donkeys in Jesus' Life.

Jesus travelled into Jerusalem for His last ever Journey on earth on a Donkey.

When Mary & Joseph travelled to Bethlehem from Nazareth (when Jesus was Born), many people Believe they would have had a Donkey to Help them on their Journey.

The Bible doesn't give any Details about the Journey but as it was about a 100 mile Journey through difficult terrain (without any cars etc) and Mary was pregnant at the time, then it's Highly Likely they would have had some form of assistance, and as they were both poor then Donkeys would have been the Best option available for them.
We Believe they travelled to Bethlehem on a Donkey.

After Jesus was Born, Mary & Joseph then needed to travel the Very Long and difficult Journey to Egypt to escape from Herod when he killed all the children under 2 years old.
Then when Herod died they travelled the Long Journey back to Nazareth.

Altogether they travelled Vast distances and it's Very Likely they would have had a Donkey to Help them on their Journey.

At that time Donkeys would have needed to Carry Very Heavy Loads with the things people needed for the Journey and their belongings, as well as the people themselves.
Donkeys have got Wonderful Strength.

Donkeys 'Never Give Up'.

They 'Keep Going' on The Journey and they Stay Focused. 
Even if they were tired and feeling weak, even if they were miles away from where they would have Preferred to be, even if the Journey became tricky and difficult with lots of obstacles in their way, Donkeys 'Keep On Going' and 'Never Give Up'.

Where does their Strength come from?

Donkeys don't go to the Gym. They don't go to Mind Strengthening Classes.

~ Their Strength comes from the 'Only' True Source of Strength ~ Jesus.

That same Strength is Available to You.
~ Positive Bible Verse ~
I can do all things through Jesus who strengthens me.
(Philippians 4:13)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

9th December.

~ The Innocence of the Lambs ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Throughout history Lambs have been a symbol of Innocence. They represent Purity.

My Wife and I have been Blessed many times with being able to stay at a Cottage on a working farm in the Beautiful Highlands of Scotland.

We've been Very privileged to have witnessed many new Lambs being Born out in the Open Fields.

The Lambs are so Pure & Innocence, and they have an 'Aura' of Peace.

For a while they are Unblemished and as Pure as 'God Created' them to Be.

In modern day farming the farmer will often spray a coloured 'Mark' or number on the Lambs. This puts the farmers 'Mark' on the Lambs so they can 'Use' them in whatever way 'Suits the farmer'.

Back in the time of the Original Nativity, when a new Lamb was Born, the Shepherds would often wrap the Lamb in 'Swaddling Cloth' to Protect the Lamb from picking up any Blemishes or 'Markings' so that the lamb can be kept 'Pure'.

When Jesus was Born, he was wrapped in 'Swaddling Cloths' as a sign that He was being kept 'Pure & Innocent' without Any 'Markings'.

God's Original Intention when He Created humans was that we would All be 'Pure & Innocent'.

The 'Only' reason there is evil in the world is because the devil 'Deceived' Adam & Eve into eating from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and evil.

Ever since then the devil has been Deceiving people into 'Disobeying' God and the devil has put his 'Mark' on those people so he can 'Use' them in whatever way 'Suits him'.     

The devil has done that in such a Cunning and Manipulative way that many people don't even realise that they've been 'Tricked' into Disobeying God.

Over thousands of years the devil has Coned people into following him and his ways, and because so many people do it, then other people now see it as normal.

But the Truth is, there are Only 2 Ways to Live Your Life, the devils way (which is just to suit him), or God's Way (which is for Your benefit so you can Live a Joyful & Peaceful Life).

God is so Loving & Caring that He sent His Only Son to Save us from being Tricked by the devil. That's Real Love.

Jesus is 'Pure & Innocent' so that we have All got a Wonderful Example to 'Follow' of How to Live our Lives.

~ Positive Bible Verse ~
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world".
(John 1:29)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

8th December.

~ The Courage of The Shepherds ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

The Shepherds at the Original Nativity had Wonderful Courage. They Demonstrated Courage in many different ways.

Back then the Shepherds would have lived Outside most of the time.

They were Out in the Fields at Night. Their main purpose at Night was to 'Protect' the Sheep.
There would have been Wolves roaming around and the Shepherds needed to keep the Sheep 'Safe' from any attacks.
There would also have been 'thieves' hiding in the darkness waiting to Steel the Sheep.

A 'Good Shepherd' would do 'Anything' to Protect his Sheep. That takes Real Courage.

It's a Wonderful part of God's Creative Plan in the Nativity that the Very First people to Ever Visit Jesus were 'The Good Shepherds' who were Protecting their Sheep.

Jesus Himself is 'The Good Shepherd' and we are all His Sheep who He is Protecting.

~ ~ ~ 

When the Angel appeared to The Shepherds in the field at Night, they were very afraid, but when they realised the Angel was from The Lord, their fear turned to Courage as they made the 'Choice' to go and 'Search for Jesus'.

They made an 'Instant Decision' as they knew in their Hearts how Important & Special 'The Savior' is, and they didn't want to 'Miss' the Amazing Opportunity to meet God's Only Son.

The Shepherds only had a Small amount of information from the Angel that they would 'Find a Babe lying in a Manger'.

There would have been many Stables with Mangers in Bethlehem and it would have taken a Lot of Courage to Go and Search for Jesus when only a few people knew who He was.

The Shepherds showed us that you don't need all the Answers when you've got Faith & Courage.

~ The Faith & Courage of The Shepherds led them to Jesus.

When they met Jesus, it Filled them with even More Courage as they went out and Shared what had happened with many people.

At that time Shepherds were seen as 'nobodies' who were 'ignored' and 'looked down on'.

Yet they were Inspired & Strengthened by the Wonderful Experience they had with Jesus. It gave them Courage to be 'Bold in their Faith' and Share the 'Good News of Jesus'.

The Love of Jesus 'Shone' through The Shepherds and people Listened to them and were Amazed.

The Shepherds Demonstrated Wonderful Faith & Courage in Lots of ways.

That same Courage is Available to You.     

~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Stand firm in the Faith; be Courageous.
(1 Corinthians 16:13)

~ ~ ~

When they saw the Courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
(Acts 4:13)

~  ~ ~

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
(Deuteronomy 31:6)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

Nativity Poem.

Mary and Joseph Trusted and Believed,
The Son of God had been conceived.
They lived by Faith and not by sight,
Lives Pleasing to God, doing what's Right.
God Chose them to take care of His Son,
The True Gift of Christmas had just begun.

Born in a Stable, no room at the inn,
A Baby born to take away our sin.

Shepherds were watching their Flocks nearby,
When Suddenly an Angel appeared in the sky.
Good Tidings of Great Joy was brought to them,
A Saviour had been born in Bethlehem.
Wrapped in cloths and lying in a Manger,
A Friend to All and not a stranger.

Wise Men travelled from afar,
Following the Guidance of the Bright Shining Star.
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh were received with Joy,
Precious Gifts for the Most Precious Little Boy.

Jesus was born for All Mankind,
To All who seek, they Will Find.

The True Meaning of Christmas is to be saved from sin,
So open your Heart to Jesus and Let Him Come In.