Posted in Inspirational Sayings

Inspirational Sayings ~ No.69.

Speaking Wisdom.

The Words You Speak Effect How You Think & Behave
~ Speak Positively ~
~ Speak Truthfully ~
~ Speak Inspirationally ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.69.

Let Your Gift Glorify God.

Best viewed on a Laptop/PC to Fully Enjoy.
~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.69. (Mobile Version).

Let Your Gift Glorify God.

~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ Let Your Gift Glorify God ~

God has given us All a Gift that is Unique & Individual to each one of us.
That Gift might be a Talent, a Skill, an Idea, a Passion for a Good Cause etc.

Some peoples Gifts might seem big while others might seem small, but the Truth is that to God they are All Equally Important.

Over the years my Wife & I have been Very Inspired by different people who have used their Gifts to 'Give Glory' to God. Here are a few of them:

~ The great artist Bob Ross used his Gift of 'Teaching How To Paint' to Inspire people to See & Enjoy the Beauty that God has Created in Nature. He also used his Gift to Encourage people to Believe in themselves and in what they are capable of Achieving.
His Calming TV Painting program Inspired Millions of people with his Happy & Positive Attitude, which is how God Created us All to Live.

~ Wintley Phipps uses the Gift of his Truly Beautiful Singing voice to Glorify God (and Only God). His Steadfast Faith strengthened him to devote his Entire singing career to songs that Give Glory to God, even when he had Many offers & opportunities to sings in 'worldly' music.
By saying No to the 'world' and Yes to God, Wintley has led Millions of people to God through his singing, and Filled their Ears & Souls with Joy.

~ A Wonderful Lady called Jean that we were Blessed with being friends with used her Gift of 'Love & Care' for people to Glorify God.
She was part of a Luncheon Club that provided a monthly meal & get together for a Residential Home. Jean would bake Delicious cakes & biscuits for the people to Enjoy and she would give Fun & Inspiring talks and sing songs with the people, all based around God's Wonderful Love & Care.
At the age of 80 Jean had cancer yet she Continued to Give her Love & Care to others. Even when she was in a lot of pain & discomfort she was more concerned about other people.
Jean was a True Inspiration of God's Love & Care and she will be Forever Singing with the Angels in Heaven and giving Glory to God.

These are just a few of the Many people who have Inspired us by letting their Gifts Glorify God.

We All have Gifts from God.
These might be ~ Creativity, Singing, Writing, the Gift of Listening, Caring for people, Art, a Passion for Nature, Poetry, it might be a Gift of Baking, Inspiring Talks, Being their for people, Helping people to relax etc, etc.

There are Many different forms of Gifts that God Gives to us.

Whatever ' Your' Gift is, use it in a Positive Way to Give Glory to God. Whether Your Gift is big or small, it's Very Important to God and He will Truly Appreciate it when You use Your Gift for God.

If You use Your Gift to Lead someone to God and help 'Save a Soul',
then You will have Achieved More than All of the
'accomplishments' of 'worldly' people put together.

God gave ' You' Your Personal Gift for a reason.

Let Your Gift Glorify God.

Posted in Inspirational Sayings

Inspirational Sayings ~ No.68.

Speaking Wisdom.

The Words You Speak Effect How You Think & Behave
~ Speak Positively ~
~ Speak Truthfully ~
~ Speak Inspirationally ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.68.


Best viewed on a Laptop/PC to Fully Enjoy.
~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.68. (Mobile Version).


~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ Blessing ~

May Your Heart, Mind and Soul 

be Blessed with God's

Peace that Goes Beyond Understanding,

Pure Everlasting Love that Never fails,

And Exceedingly Great Joy

as 'You Journey with Jesus'

Posted in Inspirational Sayings

Inspirational Sayings ~ No.67.

Speaking Wisdom.

The Words You Speak Effect How You Think & Behave
~ Speak Positively ~
~ Speak Truthfully ~
~ Speak Inspirationally ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.67. (Mobile Version).


~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ Breakfast ~

Breakfast literally means the 'First Meal of the Day'.
The word Breakfast explains itself perfectly – the First thing you eat is 'Breaking' the 'Fast' that your body has been in whilst you sleep.

There are 2 types of Breakfast that we all have.

The most obvious one is 'The Food we Eat'.
I Enjoy a nice bowl of Porridge with a good handful of Raisins, a spoonful of Peanut Butter and a selection of Seeds such as Sunflower, Flax, Hemp and Sesame, all topped with a drizzle of Honey. All 100% Organic & Natural.

This Breakfast is full of Good Nutrients to set my body up for a Good Day. Because there are No 'Artificial Chemicals' or 'Junk' in it, then my body is Not being Polluted with things God did Not intend to be In our bodies.

By simply eating a Good Nutritious Breakfast I'm giving my body the Best Start to the day, and therefore the Best opportunity to Function how God 'Intended' it to Function.

The other type of Breakfast that we all have is one that's often overlooked.
That is the 'First' things we 'Feed our Minds' at the Beginning of each day.

This includes a number of things such as what we 'Watch', 'Listen To', 'Read', what we 'Say' and 'Who' we talk with, and very Importantly what we 'Think'. All these are what we 'Feed our Minds' with at the Start of each day.

Many people turn the TV on to Watch 'The News'. Their Minds are Bombarded with Negative stories and 'doom & gloom' that the news reporters Dramatise to make it sound even worse than it is.

Many people Feed their Minds a Breakfast of 'Social Media', and their Minds are Polluted with 'Gossip', 'Childish Name Calling', 'Fakeness', 'Deceit',
'Lies and Manipulation'.

The Radio Pollutes peoples Minds with a concoction of sounds that our ears were Not designed to listen to, along with Strategically planed cunning Adverts to trick people into buying things they don't even want.

Some people 'Check their emails' for Breakfast and Overload their Minds with 'Things To Do' before their Minds have even had chance to warm up.

And one of the most Dangerous types of Breakfast that people Pollute their Minds with is 'Their Own Negative Thoughts'. Dwelling on the past, Holding grudges, Plotting revenge, Worrying, Assuming the worst and Not Believing in themselves as the Wonderful Person God Created them to be.

All of the above Artificial Worldly Rubbish will 'Pollute Your Mind' before your day has even Started. It will 'Set You Up' for a bad day. You'll be more prone to making mistakes, Your Mind will be less receptive to Helpful Advice, and it will make you more likely to lack in concentration.

Non of this is how God Created You to be.

I prefer to spend Quiet Time with God saying a Prayer of Thankfulness when I wake up.
The TV, Radio, Internet, Emails, Phone etc are Not a Priority for me, and they're often not even second, third, forth etc in my Priorities. There's Much Better and more Interesting things I prefer to 'Think' about and 'Do'.
I Read God's Wonderful and Nourishing Word in the Bible whilst eating my Breakfast. Then I sit Quietly and Relax for a while to give my body chance to Adsorb my 'Food Breakfast' and my Mind a chance to Adsorb the Breakfast I've just 'Fed my Mind'.
By spending Quality Quiet Time with God when I First wake up and the First things I Do & Think about, then it 'Sets me up' for a Day with my Body & Mind Ready & Prepared to Function in the Best Possible Way ~ God's Way.

Feed 'Your Mind' with a Positive Breakfast.

You Don't Need to know the 'TV News'.
~ You 'Do' Need to know the 'Good News' of Jesus.

You Don't Need 'Social Media Gossip'.
~ You 'Do' Need a Loving Relationship with God's Wonderful Son.

If you like listening to Music, then Treat Your Ears & Mind to a Breakfast of Inspiring & Uplifting music by Godly people.

Let Your smart Phone have a 'lie in', so Your Mind is Not Overloaded with a Polluted Breakfast of emails, texts and internet Junk.

And the Best Way to Stop your Own 'negative thoughts' from entering Your Mind, is to keep Your Mind 'Focused' on the Most Important thought of all, that is that 'God Loves You'.

God wants You to Enjoy a Wonderful Relationship in Your Mind with His Loving Son Jesus Christ.

Feed Your Mind a Healthy Positive Breakfast of God's Truth & Love.

It will 'Set you up' for a Great Day where Your Mind can
'Function at it's Best', just how God Intended it to.

The Greatest Breakfast of all is 'God's Love for You'.

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.67.


Best viewed on a Laptop/PC to Fully Enjoy.
~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

Posted in Inspirational Sayings

Inspirational Sayings ~ No.66.

Speaking Wisdom.

The Words You Speak Effect How You Think & Behave
~ Speak Positively ~
~ Speak Truthfully ~
~ Speak Inspirationally ~