Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.63. (Mobile Version).

God’s Masterpiece.

~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ God's Masterpiece ~

There was two men walking through a forest and one of them was a Wood Carver. As they looked at all the Beautiful Trees, they spoke to each other about how God had Created the Trees so Wonderfully and about all the Amazing things that Trees do. 

They were Inspired by God's Wonderful Creations.

Then they noticed a 'Fallen Tree' lying on the floor. It had clearly been there a Long Time and had died.

The man said to the Wood Carver:
“What a shame it is that this Tree is no longer doing the
Amazing things that God Created it to do.”

The Wood Carver looked at the 'Fallen Tree' and without hesitation said:
“I see a Masterpiece.”

He Immediately got to work turning the 'Fallen Tree' into the Wonderful Vision that he had for it.

He 'Pruned Off' the Dead Branches, 'Stripped Away' the Decaying Bark and started to Shape the Inner Core.

He 'Chipped Away' all the parts that were 'Not Needed', and 'Smoothed Off' the Rough Edges.

Once the Shape started to emerge, he started to 'Refine' it into Detailed Crisp & Clear Beauty until the Vision he had for it was Fully Revealed.

The Masterpiece had been Created.

Everyone who saw the New Creation was Inspired by the fact that such a Beautiful & Wonderful Masterpiece was made from a 'Fallen Tree'.

The Tree once again became a Very Important part of the Forest.

~ ~ ~

If You are feeling that You have 'Fallen' from the Wonderful Creation that God 'Originally' Created You to Be, then simply let God turn You into the Masterpiece that ' He Sees ' in You.

~ There might be some parts of Your Life that needs 'Pruning' and 'Stripping Away.'
~ There might be a few 'Rough Edges' that God needs to Smooth Off.
~ And when the things that are 'Not Needed' in your Life have been 'Chipped Away' then God can 'Refine' Your 'Inner Core' to reveal the Glorious Masterpiece in You.

Then You will become a Wonderful Inspiration to others,
and a Very Important part of God's Kingdom.

Allow the Master Creator to do 'His Work' in Your Life,
and You will become

God's Masterpiece.

Posted in Inspirational Sayings

Inspirational Sayings ~ No.62.

Speaking Wisdom.

The Words You Speak Effect How You Think & Behave
~ Speak Positively ~
~ Speak Truthfully ~
~ Speak Inspirationally ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.62.

Simply Be Who God Created You To Be.

Best viewed on a Laptop/PC to Fully Enjoy.
~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.62. (Mobile Version).

Simply Be Who God Created You To Be.

~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ Simply Be Who God Created You To Be ~

   God Created You a Specific Way for a Purpose.

Some people Loose Sight of 'Who They Really Are'.

Here's a story that Illustrates the Importance of Not just 'Fitting In' with other people and 'Copying' them, but Being 'Who God Originally Created You To Be'.

~ ~ ~

There was a farm that was near a Beautiful Forest and some Mighty Mountains.
The farmer kept Chickens in the farmyard and one day he found an Eagles Egg in the Chickens nest. Nobody knew how it got there but the farmer didn't want the Eagle to perish so he left it with the Chickens so it could hatch.

The Chickens eggs hatched and after a while they started to do what Chickens do, they were running around the farmyard and pecking at things.

The Eagle hatched (named Ernie) and seeing the Chickens all around him he just 'Assumed' that he was supposed to do the same thing, so he started running around pecking at things.

Every day he did the 'Same Thing'. He hadn't seen anything else other than the Chickens Way of Living, so he Thought that must be 'What Life is All About'.

After a while though Ernie became Very Unhappy.
His Instinct told him there was Something Missing in his life, but he didn't know what it was. As he looked around all he saw was the Farmyard and Chickens.

He had a Feeling there was 'Something More' for his Life than this.
But as he didn't know what it was he just kept Copying the Chickens.

Ernie tried to 'Fit In' with the Chickens but no matter what he did, his Instinct kept telling him there was 'Something Better' for him.

Then one day he looked up and saw an Amazing Bird Flying High in the Sky.

It circled overhead and Swooped Up and Down with Amazing Speed and Agility.
'It was an Eagle'.

The Eagle Soared High on it's Wings, and flew far into the distance heading towards the Beautiful Mountains.

As Ernie looked up from the farmyard he thought:
'Wow, I wish I was Free like that'.

Then he heard the Chickens calling and went back to his daily routine of running around and pecking at things.

The next day he saw the Eagle Flying over the farm and land in a field near by.
He noticed that the Eagles Wings looked Very Similar to his Own Wings.
After a while the Eagle Spread out his wings and with a Powerful Thrust took off into the Sky. Flying High the Eagle headed towards the Glow of a Beautiful Sunset.

Ernie looked at his wings and a Burst of Enthusiasm Rose within him. He thought:
'Could I be an Eagle' ?
Was I Created to be Flying High in the Sky and not just running around here ?

That night he spent some Quiet Time by 'Himself' and he thought Long and Hard about 'Who He Is'.
He 'Searched Deep Within His Soul'.

He 'Imagined' himself Flying High over the Mighty Mountains and landing in the Branches of a Beautiful Pine Tree.
It Filled Him with Excitement and Enthusiasm.

Ernie Wondered How he will Know if he's actually an Eagle. How will he know the 'Truth' about 'Who He Is'. Will he ever know if he can Fly.

He decided:
'The Only Way to Find Out is to Try'.

As the Sun rose the next day Ernie looked up into the Sky with a New Sense of Excitement. He thought about all the Places he could go to and all the things he could see if he could Fly.

As he looked around the farmyard at all the Chickens pecking away, he thought to himself:
'I was Created to Fly'.

He Stretched Out his Wings and Started Flapping them.
Not much seemed to happen at first, but his Excitement about all the Possibilities that lay Ahead of him gave him the Strength to Keep Trying.

He took a Gentle Run, Spread Out his Wings and Flapped them with All His Strength.
'With his head Held High, he Flew Up Into The Sky'.
WOW, He was Flying.
He felt a Sense of Freedom like Never Before.

As he looked down he saw the Tiny farmyard where he had spent so much of his life. Then he looked around and saw Lakes & Forests, Mountains & Valleys.
It Filled his Heart with Joy.

He was Amazed at what he could Achieve with His Wonderful Wings High Up in the Sky.
He spent All day Enjoying His Natural Ability to Fly and he found a New Sense of Purpose for his Life.
Then he looked towards the Horizon and saw the Sun Setting over the
Mighty Mountains with the Beautiful Pine Trees Glowing in the Sun.

Now he knew 'Who He was Created To Be',
and he could Look Forward to a Wonderful Life Full of
New Possibilities and Exciting Adventures.

He Became Free by
Simply Being Who God Created Him To Be.

Posted in Inspirational Sayings

Inspirational Sayings ~ No.61.

Speaking Wisdom.

The Words You Speak Effect How You Think & Behave
~ Speak Positively ~
~ Speak Truthfully ~
~ Speak Inspirationally ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.61.

A Lovely Prayer.

Best viewed on a Laptop/PC to Fully Enjoy.
~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.61. (Mobile Version).

A Lovely Prayer.

~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ A Lovely Prayer ~

~ “Thank You Lord for Always Being With Me,
Your Loving Presence Comforts & Strengthens me,

~ Thank You for Providing All my Needs,
and the Many Wonderful Blessings in my Life,

~ I'm Sorry for when I take things for Granted,
I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do,

~ Thank You for Creating the Amazing Beauty & Wonders in Nature,
Your Creativity & Talents are Truly Awe Inspiring,

~ Thank You for Creating Me so Wonderfully,
and for Blessing Me with Freedom of Choice,

~ I'm Sorry for the wrong Choices & Mistakes I've made,

~ I'm Willing to Live My Life in the Way
' You' Originally Created Me to Live,

~ Lord I'm Willing To Follow You,

~ I Truly Believe that Your Way is the Best Way,
and I know that 'With You All Things Are Possible',

~ I Need Your Guidance, Your Wisdom & Your Truth,

~ Thank You for Setting Me Free,
and Filling Me with Your Peace, Love & Joy,

~ Thank You for Simply Being You,

May Your Will Be Done Lord,
I Love You Jesus,

Posted in Inspirational Sayings

Inspirational Sayings ~ No.60.

Speaking Wisdom.

The Words You Speak Effect How You Think & Behave
~ Speak Positively ~
~ Speak Truthfully ~
~ Speak Inspirationally ~

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.60. (Mobile Version).

Return to The Lord.

~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~

~ Return to The Lord ~

When God first Created You, You were Pure & Uncorrupted by the world.
You would have had a Wonderful & Beautiful Relationship with God.
There would have been a Loving Connection between Your Soul & God.

The devil was jealous because he wanted to be in Control of Everything and he wanted to be Centre of Attention. So ever since You came into the world the devil has been trying to cause Friction between You & God.

This has happened to Every human that has Ever Existed, starting with
Adam & Eve.

The devil disguised himself as a serpent and Tricked Eve into eating from the One & Only Tree that God had asked them Not to eat from. The devil used Cunning Tactics to Manipulate Adam & Eve into Disobeying God (their Creator) and instead they Obeyed the devil.

The Result was Friction between Adam & Eve and God.
That Wonderful & Beautiful Relationship that Adam & Eve had with God was Broken because they Believed the devils evil Trickery.

Ever since then the devil has been trying to cause Conflict between people and God.
The devil is still using the same Cunning Tactics, but now he does it in different ways. He now disguises himself in a Huge variety of ways that are going unnoticed by most people.

In today's modern world people have let their Guards Down to the point where the devil has now Got It Easy.

Many people are putting more effort into protecting their smart phones than what they do to protect their Own Souls.

Don't make it easy for the devil.
He's been getting his own wicked way for too long.

It's time to Return to The Lord.

We've All made mistakes and messed up in our lives.
God Understands. He has Compassion & Forgiveness Ready for You.

God Simply wants to Restore that Wonderful & Beautiful Relationship that You had with Him when He Created You. ~ He Misses You ~

God has already made the First Move to Restore His Relationship with You when He sent His Only Son Jesus Christ to 'Save You' & 'Set You Free'.

God is Waiting for You to Make Your Move.

And when You Return to The Lord, He will Welcome You with such Amazing Love that Your Soul will Overflow with Joy like a
Beautiful Flowing Fountain.

There will be Celebrations in Heaven and the Angels of The Lord
will sing a Glorious Song, because a Soul that the devil
had Polluted has been Washed Clean.

That Loving Connection between
Your Soul & God will be Restored.

It's time to Make Your Move.
Return to The Lord.

Posted in Pure Positive Guidance

Pure Positive Guidance ~ No.60.

Return to The Lord.

Best viewed on a Laptop/PC to Fully Enjoy.
~ Inspiring ~
~ Encouraging ~
~ Loving ~