Posted in 12 Days of Christmas.

On The 10th Day of Christmas.

~ The True 12 Days of Christmas ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

On The 10th Day of Christmas my True Love (Jesus) 'Said' to me:
“The most important one is this:  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: Love each other".
(Mark 12:30-31)

The Greatest thing You can Do with Your Life is to:
'Love The Lord Your God with All Your Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength'.

When You Do that, everything else will 'Fit into Place' and Your Life will 'Make Sense'.

Jesus Doesn't make Life 'complicated'. He keeps things Simple.

When You Love God with Your 'Entire Being', then You will automatically know the 'Right Way' to Live.

When You Truly Love God, You won't want to 'hurt' Him by doing wrong things.

When You Fully Love God, You will want to 'make Him Happy', and that will Inspire You to Do 'Great Things' for God.

God Created You. The 'Only' way that You exist is because God 'Breathed Life' into You.

That within itself is a Great reason to Love God with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength.

God Loves to Bless His children (that includes You).

Many people Miss their Blessings because they are always Complaining, or they are Focus on the 'wrong' things and people.

But the Truth is that God's Blessings are Always there for You.

When You Fully Love God and Focus on His Wonderful Son Jesus, You will See & Experience Your Blessings.

~ Stop and Look Around. Blessings are Everywhere.

There's a Wonderful song that says:

"Count Your Blessings,
Name them One by One,
Count Your Blessings,
See what God has Done".

You can 'Show' God that You Love Him by 'Appreciating' Your Blessings, and by Not complaining.

You can 'Show' God You Love Him by Living Your Life in the 'Way' that He Created You to Live, and Not in the way that people tell You to Live.

A Great Way to 'Show' God You Love Him is by Believing Him, and Not believing the lies and wickedness of the world.

When You Follow Jesus and Live Your Life as a 'Loving Disciple of Jesus', then that will 'Show' God that You Love Him.

~ ~ ~ 

The second Greatest thing You can Do with Your Life is to Love 'Each Other'.

~ Treat people with Respect & Dignity.
~ Show Care & Kindness to others.
~ Be Generous and Share with others the things that God has Blessed You with, (that can include Your Skills & Talents, Your Time, Your Joy, as well as the materiel things of Food, Clothing etc).
~ Treat others how You want to be treated yourself.
If You don't want people to lie to You, then don't lie to others.
If You don't want to be hurt, then don't hurt others.
If You would like people to be Cheerful around You, then Be Cheerful around others.
If You would like Peace & Quiet in Your life, then Be Peaceful & Quiet around other people.
It's Very Simple.

God has put Love in Your Heart. Share it with others.

The Love and Blessings that God Gives You should be like a Beautiful Flowing River that can be Enjoyed by You and others.
It shouldn't be a stagnant puddle.
Let God's Love Flow through You.

Jesus said: 
"In the same way, let your Light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven".
(Matthew 5:16).

~ ~ ~ 

Always remember that the Greatest thing You can Do with Your Life is to Love The Lord God with All Your Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength.

Make sure You don't put people above God.

God & Jesus need to be at the Centre of Your Life, because they Gave You Life.

God Loves You.

It's a Love that Goes Beyond Understanding. He Loves You with his Entire Being.

Think about it, God Created the Universe and all of Nature's Amazing Beauty ~ And He Loves 'You'.

~ Do You Love God ? 
~ A Positive thing to Enjoy Doing on this Day of Christmas ~

~ Love The Lord God with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength.

Show Him You Love Him by 'The Way' You Live Your Life.

It's 'Pure & Simple'.

You can view the Full 12 Days of Christmas messages on our website by clicking on  (The True 12 Days of Christmas).  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

10th December.

~ The Strength of The Donkey ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

Donkeys are Lovely. They've got a Wonderful Relaxing 'Aura' about them.

Donkeys have got a 'Cross' on their backs as part of their Natural Colours. My Wife & I Believe this is because of the Importance of Donkeys in Jesus' Life.

Jesus travelled into Jerusalem for His last ever Journey on earth on a Donkey.

When Mary & Joseph travelled to Bethlehem from Nazareth (when Jesus was Born), many people Believe they would have had a Donkey to Help them on their Journey.

The Bible doesn't give any Details about the Journey but as it was about a 100 mile Journey through difficult terrain (without any cars etc) and Mary was pregnant at the time, then it's Highly Likely they would have had some form of assistance, and as they were both poor then Donkeys would have been the Best option available for them.
We Believe they travelled to Bethlehem on a Donkey.

After Jesus was Born, Mary & Joseph then needed to travel the Very Long and difficult Journey to Egypt to escape from Herod when he killed all the children under 2 years old.
Then when Herod died they travelled the Long Journey back to Nazareth.

Altogether they travelled Vast distances and it's Very Likely they would have had a Donkey to Help them on their Journey.

At that time Donkeys would have needed to Carry Very Heavy Loads with the things people needed for the Journey and their belongings, as well as the people themselves.
Donkeys have got Wonderful Strength.

Donkeys 'Never Give Up'.

They 'Keep Going' on The Journey and they Stay Focused. 
Even if they were tired and feeling weak, even if they were miles away from where they would have Preferred to be, even if the Journey became tricky and difficult with lots of obstacles in their way, Donkeys 'Keep On Going' and 'Never Give Up'.

Where does their Strength come from?

Donkeys don't go to the Gym. They don't go to Mind Strengthening Classes.

~ Their Strength comes from the 'Only' True Source of Strength ~ Jesus.

That same Strength is Available to You.
~ Positive Bible Verse ~
I can do all things through Jesus who strengthens me.
(Philippians 4:13)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.