Posted in 12 Days of Christmas.

On The 7th Day of Christmas.

~ The True 12 Days of Christmas ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

On The 7th Day of Christmas my True Love (Jesus) 'Said' to me:
"Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You".
(John 14:27)

Jesus is 'The Prince of Peace'.   (Isaiah 9:6).

He has a Wonderful Peace within Him that 'Goes Beyond Understanding'. A Peace that is so Amazing that there are No Words that can describe it.

And Jesus is 'Giving' that Peace to You.  WOW, what a Gift. 

Jesus knows that You need Peace in Your Life, so He Gives You the 'Best' kind of Peace, His own Peace.

God Created us with Peace already built into us, yet 'worldly ways' of Living are 'Designed' to take away our Peace.

The world 'deceives' people into Living a 'frantic and rushed' Lifestyle.

Worldly people 'Trick' You into 'worrying', yet Jesus Guides us 'Not to worry'. (Matthew 6:25-34).

Jesus offers to 'Restore' Your Peace by Giving You His Peace.

Simply Follow Jesus's Way of Living, and You 'Will' Experience 'His Peace' in 'Your Life'. 
~ A Positive thing to Enjoy Doing on this Day of Christmas ~

~ Accept Jesus's Gift of Peace.

Jesus is 'Giving' You His Peace, but You need to 'Accept' it to Experience it.

Make a decision 'Today' to Chose Jesus's Peace above Anything else.

Imagine taking All of Your worries, fears, disappointments and anything else that is taking away Your Peace, and put them in a box. Write on the box 'Rubbish'.

Now ask Jesus to 'Take Away' Your 'Rubbish'.

Imagine Jesus holding His hands out to You with a Loving Glow on His face as He says: "Hand it All to Me".

As You Give Your 'Rubbish' to Jesus, You feel His Peace being 'Transferred' to You.

You feel a sense of Peace like never before.

Treasure His Peace in Your Heart. 

You can view the Full 12 Days of Christmas messages on our website by clicking on  (The True 12 Days of Christmas).  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

21st December.

~ The Faith, Trust and Belief of Mary & Joseph ~

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

To be Chosen by God to Give Birth to 'His Only Son', and then to 'Look After Him' and 'Raise Him' is the greatest Honor and Privilege that anyone could be given.

Mary & Joseph were Engaged to be Married and would have been Excited about their Wedding. 

They would have been Living their Lives in the Best way they could ~ God's Way.

God had Guided people Not to be Intimate and to remain a virgin until After they were Married. 
At that time the rulers made it that if a women broke God's Guidance, she would be Stoned to death as punishment.

Mary & Joseph would have known the Importance of sticking to God's Guidance and they remained virgins until after they were married.

They Lived at a time when The Roman Empire made it Very Difficult for people to Live a Happy Life and many people were living in fear.

Most people back then knew 'Scripture' and God had said that He will send 'The Messiah' to Set Them Free.

Even in Difficult situations there's Always Hope, and You can Be Positive knowing that God Will Help You.

Many people though Chose to ignore God's Word and they wanted to be 'In Control', but they actually made the situation worse by Interfering.

God had a 'Plan Ready' to send His Son to 'Set People Free', but He needed to Find the Right People who would 'Trust Him' and 'Believe' in 'His Plan'.

Mary & Joseph had obviously Demonstrated to God by the Way they had already been 'Living their Lives' that they would 'Trust Him' with His Plan, even though it would have 'Seemed' impossible that Mary could be pregnant as she was a virgin. 
But they 'Believed' that 'With God, Nothing will be impossible' (Luke 1:37).

They must have Shown God that He could 'Trust Them' with His Son,
because as well as being an Honor & Privilege to Raise God's Son, it's also a Big Responsibility.

When God has a 'Plan' He needs to know that the people He 'Trusts' it with will 'Take Good Care of It' and 'Do the Best they can to Fulfill It'.

Even though Mary & Joseph didn't Understand how God's Plan could happen, they 'Welcomed It' with Faith, Trust & Belief in the 'Amazing Abilities of God'.

God is Limitless in what He can Achieve.

He made the Stars & the Universe, the Flowers & the Trees, the Birds & the Wildlife, the Butterflies & Bees.

If God says He will Do something, we can be 'Sure' that He Will Do it.

~ Never Doubt God, Simply Believe.

When The Angel told Mary that she would conceive from the Holy Spirit and Give Birth to God's Son, her response was "Let it be done to me according to Your word". ~ WOW, that's Faith. 

Every time The Angel spoke to Joseph, he Immediately Did what The Angel said, even when it meant getting up in the Night to pack all their belongings and Leave their home to escape to Egypt because King Herod was trying to kill Jesus after He had been Born (see Matthew 2:13-14). ~ WOW, that's Trust.

Whatever God Guided Mary & Joseph to 'Do', they both 'Did It' with Faith, Trust & Belief that God's Way is Best.

Because of that, God's Plan was Fulfilled. His Son came to earth and was Born as a Human being ~ God in Person, 'God With us'.

We can all now Enjoy a 'Personal Relationship' with God through His Son Jesus Christ. That's a Wonderful Blessing for us All.

When people 'Do' the 'Will of God', it will always Bless other people as well as themselves.

Mary & Joseph would have Lived the Best possible Life because they Believed God's Way and 'Did His Will'.

We All have a Lot to be 'Thankful' for to Mary & Joseph.

~ Their Faith has Helped 'Save' people all around the world.
~ Their Trust has Helped 'Set People Free'.
~ Their Belief has Given us a Wonderful example of what can be Achieved when God & people are in Complete Harmony. 

God still has many 'Plans & Dreams' that He is Waiting to Achieve.
He Simply needs to Find the Right people who are 'Willing' to put their 'Faith, Trust & Belief' in Him.

~ Are You 'Willing' ?

~ Positive Bible Verses ~
Jesus answered and said to them, “Have Faith in God".
(Mark 11:22)

~ ~ ~ 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.
(Proverbs 3:5)

~ ~ ~ 

And without Faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must Believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
(Hebrew 11:6)

~ ~ ~ 

Blessed is she who Believed, for there will be a Fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
(Luke 1:45)

~ ~ ~ 

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
(Ephesians 3:20)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.

Posted in Advent

6th December.

Thank You Lord for The Nativity”.

To Enjoy the Full Experience of this message, it’s Best viewed on our Website on a Laptop/PC.

The Nativity is a Beautiful story of how God 'Chose' how His Only Son would be Born on earth.

He Chose the Right Time, Right Place and Right People so that it would be so Special & Memorable that even after 2,000 years, people are Still Celebrating it.

Everyone that was part of the Original Nativity was 'Chosen' to be a True Inspiration to us All. 

As well as the Positives, we can also Learn how 'Not to Be' from the 'bad Examples' of people like King Herod, who in reality was in a Position of Privilege & Authority, and he should have been Setting a Good Example.

We can Learn from him that Power doesn't mean Anything if it's Not from God.

There are also Many, Many Positive Examples of how we 'Should Live' from people like Mary & Joseph, The Shepherds and The Wise Men etc.

We can Learn a Lot from them about how 'Real Faith & Trust' in God will have a Big Impact on the Entire World with 'Everlasting Results'.

God is 'Clearly' Very Capable of working things out in the 'Right Way' at the 'Right Time'.

God Truly does 'Know Best'.

You can be certain that you can Can 'Trust Your Life' to the 'Capable Hands' of the Almighty & Loving God.
~ Positive Bible Verse ~
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
(Psalm 126:3)

This message was Inspired by The Nativity Prayer. You can view the full Prayer on our website by clicking on The Nativity Prayer.  

~ Please feel free to look through the pages of our website for more ways to Help you Enjoy the True Meaning of Advent & Christmas.